Valentine's Day Hosiery and Lingerie

Hosiery and LingerieValentine's Day is right around the corner and what good way to delight the one you love or a close friend of yours than with some sexy and classical hosiery and lingerie. Yes Valentines day is merely 2 weeks away, so I recommend you check out some of the following new arrivals  (not that you need much persuasion *wink*)

Has Valentine's Day hosiery and lingerie gotten sexier, or is that only my point of view? In recent years, there have been lots of interesting items, but this year I'm indeed boiling over about the items I've been seeing. They're the usual colors — red, pink and black — but the items are definitely fit adapted for year-round use. I don't know if it's because of the economy or what, but designers of hosiery and lingerie are really be beginning to comprehend that customers want quality, not cheesy stuff.

Some people have hosiery and lingerie buying down to an art, but the grand majority aren't certain where to begin.

That's the reason why I've  put together some simple tips for both men and women getting her a Valentine's gift she'll enjoy and can wear time and time again.

1.) Try to Find out which is her correct size. There's nothing worse than being given hosiery or lingerie that is too big or too small. To avoid this needless but universal situation, take a brief peek in her underwear drawer to see what size she actually is.

2.) Opt for her favorite color. There are very many colors handy to opt from, perhaps too many!! To make sure you purchase her some hosiery and lingerie she likes, ask her what her favorite color is or better still take a glance in her closet and see what color she favors and what color her favorite dress is. If you're still not certain, black is usually (though not always) a good way to go, as it's a fine-spoken color.

3.) Pick her favorite style. Take the time to actually understand her preferred style of hosiery and lingerie. Does she like traditional lingerie, sexy sheer, fine style or practical lingerie to go with her every day style of hosiery?

4.) Experiment with different types of fabrics. Once you've chosen your size, color, style, you can experiment upon different types of fabrics. Try silks and satins for something extra original.

If you have tried all these tips and still can't find the right hosiery and lingerie to buy, then choose the ones that you like the most and go for it!


Chelsea said...

Buying hosiery from Wolford's is a guarantee of quality!!

Cecilia said...

I agree with you Frankie when you say: " Some people have hosiery and lingerie buying down to an art, but the grand majority aren't certain where to begin", and I'm one belonging to the grand majority when it comes to Valentine's day!