I remember watching my high school teacher come in class every morning wearing a pair of fine nylon stockings and sitting down on her table and taking off her high heels and crossing her legs bending her painted finger nailed toes in the nylon. It looked so comfortable! and I was wondering when it would be my turn to wear nylon stockings, I couldn't wait.
I got my first pair of nylon stockings and a garter belt as a part of my 16th birthday present from my Mamma. I was for that reason so excited. You see, what it indeed meant was that my blessed mamma finally thought I was grown up pretty well to use nylon stockings instead of socks. It was a huge moment in my life.
The other parts of my present that year from my mamma was a red lipstick, some red nail polish and a nice collection of brush, comb and hand-held mirror. Which, by the way, I still have and use today. The bristles in the hair brush are pigs bristle and quite expensive to purchase today.
I was living in Italy and this year for the first time, I had a pair of nylon stockings to wear to the dances that we used to go to every night. I felt for that reason grown up and couldn't wait to show myself off my hosed legs.
I will never forget putting my first ever pair of nylon stockings on for the first time on my pale white legs. They were off black nylon stockings that I cherished very much. My mamma came and showed me how to roll the nylon stocking down between my thumb and fingers to the toes then I could just slip the stocking gently around and more than my toes, and use my thumb and fingers to roll them up to my garter belt.
But these new, as nevertheless un-laddered, nylon stockings made me feel so grown up and enticing. And my Mom made me feel so good since she kept telling me that she was proud of me and how nice I looked. And my modern red lipstick and red nail polish was just perfect with my pink blouse and black skirt. I couldn't wait to meet my friends and show them how good I looked and felt.
My Mamma was there as my stockings Teacher showing me how to care and adjust my nylon stockings to be comfortable, I may not have ever made it to the dance in a pair of un-laddered stockings. She taught me how to grow into my nylon stockings and feel great at how they made me look.
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