Corporate Fashion?

vivienne westwood suit.jpgA friend emailed to say she was skipping coffee and heading straight to Prada this morning to pre-order the thigh high boots I mentioned in my second of what will now be three posts on the matter.

I might wax rhapsodic about them, but I can't actually afford them while she, corporate lawyer with perfectly long legs can both buy and wear them -- the question is where? Underneath her slacks?

Most everyone we (as in at Fashionista) know functions in a world in which anything goes, in fact, the crazier the better. But we often forget about people in the corporate world who actually wear, gasp, suits to work everyday. And we wonder how they get their fashion kicks.

If we worked in a proper office we imagine, unrealistically, that we'd wear Vivienne Westwood suits and round toe black Louboutins, but we've been to midtown and it doesn't look like that. Yet we know a love of fashion isn't restricted to those working in it. So basically, in an attempt to reach outside our bubble, we're wondering what you wear in your office if you're into fashion enough to be reading this site.

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