The Story of the Private and the Pink Nightgown in Pantyhose

The Pink Nightgown
by Sylvia Gethicker-Landis

When I was a private in November 1977, my office at MCLB Albany, Georgia, gave me a Friday off. I decided that my day off should begin with going back to bed in the now-deserted squad bay. Soon afterwards my bunkmate came running into the squad bay yelling, “Quick! You have to get up!! They want you down at the Company formation so you can get promoted!!!”

Having very little time, I threw on some pantyhose and oxfords, tucked my pink flannel nightgown into my pantyhose, tossed on my winter overcoat, scarf, cover and gloves, and ran down the stairs just in time for formation.

The awardees marched out in front of the formation, warrants and awards were read, and the Commanding Officer, a captain, handed out our citations with a handshake. Everything was going great until I rendered my salute. The Captain’s eyes got as big as golf balls as he stared up my sleeve. I peered out of the corner of my eye and could see the sleeve of my pink nightgown! The Commanding Officer gave me a disgusted look and told me to be in his office after formation.

Nervously, I walked into his office. He immediately ordered me to remove my overcoat. I just managed to say, “PFC can't do that, sir, because she has her nightgown on and would offend the captain because it is tucked into her pantyhose.” On the other side of the partition I heard someone drop their coffee cup!


Anonymous said...

It was a good thing she had pantyhose on!!!

Frank said...

In her place I would have taken off the overcoat!