The Desire of Wearing Hosiery 4

Last Friday I was bored with my own company so to cheer myself up I went down to my local. It was packed and very smoky and the only available seat was by a table where a blond lady was sitting. She had no objection to me sitting alongside her. As her glass was empty she agreed for me to fetch a refill. I returned with a Gin and Tonic and we started to chat. She was 51 and a widow. Her husband had been tragically killed in a train accident almost 9 months ago. It had caused such an upheaval in her life for at that time she was going through a rough menopause.

The mortgage on her house proved prohibitive on the secretary's wage she was earning causing her to sell up and move into a single bedroom flat. Her marriage was childless and she had no close friends in the new area so she had come to the pub to enjoy the friendly atmosphere and to seek some form of company if that was possible. I was much moved by what she had said and told her I was lonely also.
The night drove on and we became very talkative having a sense of humor in common. Neither of us wanted the evening to end so when the final bell was sounded we suggested we should go home to have a nightcap. We tossed a coin and it was agreed we would go to Jenna's (her name) which as it happened was only two blocks from where I lived..

On arrival she poured me out a Remy Martin and we sat side by side on a small couch. I noticed her skirt ride up a little as she sat down to show a nicely shaped pair of pins. I congratulated her on her lovely legs hoping the compliment would cheer her but she burst into tears. My arm went round her shoulder to give her a little comfort and I took her face in my hands to dry the droplets cascading from her eyes. Her mouth was close to mine and we kissed one another. Her mouth tasting both salty and sweet.

As we kissed our passion developed and she thought she had spilled some of her drink on my tan thigh high stockings and tried to remove the stain with a tissue but instead her fingers touched my thighs and went upwards. She undid my skirt zip and I slid my hand under her skirt. Soon I was massaging her inner thighs while she was gingerly measuring the length of my girlhood. We undressed one another until we were standing in our underwear.

She wore a lacy pink 34 C bra black sheer to waist pantyhose and no panties. I unhooked the former and pulled down the latter in double quick time. She unhooked my 36 C red bra, undid my stockings from the garter belt one by one and we went into the small room and lay on the bed indulging in an orgy of French kissing and other forms of foreplay. She was begging me to enter her. Her naked skin was soft, smooth and delicately perfumed. Her buttocks firm and round. Her pudenda silky haired and moist. Penetrating her with a vibrator was a lovely experience for not only was she well lubricated but her sex was unstretched making me work hard to completely fill her. In about 5 minutes, her whole body echoed with her moaning.

She wanted deeper penetration. She wanted me to go faster and harder. Soon she was spurting. Then she fell silent for a few seconds after which she climaxed like a roll of thunder sending shock waves through both of us. We fell back completely sated our juices still trickling from our sexual orifices. She kissed me and thanked me and helped me dress up again slowly rolling my stockings one by one on my legs and making sure the seams were straight on my feet and legs and pinned them on my garter then she put on my skirt bra and blouse. Then I kissed her goodbye and left the house, she soon fell asleep inebriated by what had happened.

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