Compression Stockings for Every Woman

Compression StockingsCompression stockings are used to maintain the venous and lymphatic systems of the leg. They offer graduated compression when maximum compression is achieved at the ankle and diminishes as you move up the leg. This compression, when combined with the muscle pump effect of the calf, aids in circulating blood and lymph fluid via the legs.

What that means is that by being tight fitting, compression stockings help your body to push the blood back up to your heart - keeping your circulation going; and stopping fluid (not just blood) from getting stuck down in your lower legs / feet if you're sat down for a long time etc. They are good for women who are prone to getting swollen ankles.

Generally if you're moving around a lot, and have customary circulation then you shouldn't need to use these. Even if you're active, your body will keep blood and fluids circulating correctly, nevertheless, if you're extremely sedentary, or going on a long haul flight etc so they are so good.

If you have a few small spider veins on your leg that show, compression stockings would help get rid of them or they may not get rid of those little veins but might relieve more from forming and might avoid those larger veins from popping up. I wear a 70 den and those actually help with leg fatigue and give the veins I have a number of extra protection

Sears and JCpennys sell more than a few promising compression stockings and in different support toning. They're quite a bit cheaper than most compression hose which can run from $20 to over $100 a pair, standing on a cold floor will tend to pull the heat from your legs and after a while can lead to varicose veins from doing a lot of standing.

Some compression stockings are only offered via prescription by the use of a physician. Ask your physician about it. They are particularly costly but they could possibly be covered by means of health insurance. Nurses wear them a lot since they are on their feet for long periods of time. Most drug stores carry support hosiery, but the true compression stockings have to be prescribed, you have to be measured and fitted for them.

Washed properly, compression stockings can be worn for more than a year. Proper washing usually consists of hand washing with Woolite type soap and allowing to be air dried. If you wash/dry stockings with the rest of your laundry eventually the elastic will start to deteriorate and not be as efficient.

Compression stockings can last a long time, it all depends on you and what you do. I know women that wear them 24 hours a day and others who utilize them for just the time they plan to be "on their feet".

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