Wear Fishnet Stockings and you are Ready to Fish your Man

Fishnet Stockings
Reassessing your wardrobe every now and then is like reorganizing your food cabinet
One of the pieces of hosiery that should never be left out is fishnet stockings. This year, the texture of choice is fishnet in various colors—not just black.

Fishnet stockings are making a comeback on today's catwalks and are catching a lot of eyes.
I believe that, if done with taste, fishnet stockings are appropriate for work. Fishnets are fabulous when worn with an otherwise conservative wardrobe. The end goal of wearing fishnet stockings is to achieve balance between a bare leg and pantyhose. Also, choose fishnets that have a nice, relatively closed holes.

I wear them all the time when going to work typically black, beige or white in the summer. I
wear them with a knee-length skirt and heels or a below-the-knee skirt and boots showing an inch or two of fishnet leg. I work with a lot of men and women and they draw a lot of attention. I
know they drive men wild and it's fun to see those sneaking peeks at my fishnets when they think I am not looking. Work can be boring at times during the summer months and it's entertaining to feel and look sexy.

Popularized by Madonna's "Material Girl" video, I have worn the back seam hosiery and now it's
easier to find now. I found a nice pair to go with the black Satin corset I have. Even Madonna herself decided to dress up as a schoolgirl for a fancy dress party in New York in March this year, and she found inspiration letting herself loose in her teenage daughter Lourdes' wardrobe. She simply borrowed a waistcoat and tie, fishnet hosiery, a smiley face ring and pair of Converse
sneakers from the 13-year-old, who has been seen wearing the items on various occasions in
recent times.

I found Women wearing fishnet stockings at the beach as well. Their holes are wide enough to require a suntan--and even a pair of pantyhose underneath for warmth.

I've had to resort to wearing fishnets in the past also to cover up certain elements of cellulite that may or may not be there at any given time, primarily depending on what I’ve eaten the week before and that certain time of the month.

Here are some hints on how to wear fishnet stockings that are usually sold crotchless. Speaking
of crotches, when wearing fishnets, please wear your underwear outside of them. There's nothing more shocking than seeing a flare dress with underwear inside the fishnets.

Fishnets should be purchased without the line in the back, and be stretchy. If you purchase the
kind with the line in the back, you've got to regularly go to the bathroom and make sure the
line is straight.

I also found out that some women wear them beneath their tight pants to tighten up their legs
and butt for a more shape look. Also, choose fishnets that have a nice, relatively closed holes.
Sometimes when using open toed shoes, my toes rip through them, stick out by the end of the evening, and I try trying to keep them in. What I've done, is just fold over the bottoms to cover the tops of my toes.

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